Pride Month: From Tolerance to Affirmation

To all LGBTQIA+ identifying individuals HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! This is a month to celebrate the strength and love of the queer community. Pride month can be riddled with complications, from corporations putting rainbow stickers on their logos but not actually supporting any LGBTQ+ organizations or individuals with their time or money, to protests at pride from those who don't believe in basic human rights for all people. In a counseling setting, it is incredibly important to find a provider who is not only tolerant of your identity and orientation, but affirming. I see many counselors and mental health providers touting that they are tolerant of their LGBTQ+ clients thinking it is a positive stance to sit in a neutral zone; not actively opposing LGBTQ+ rights and interests, and not actively advocating for equal treatment and rights. In short, tolerance sounds a lot like this: "I work with clients even if they are gay" "You can talk about your partner if you need to...